Cultivate Thriving

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Coming Back Online

This might be one of the first contacts you’ve gotten from me in a long time.

I’m arising up out of a deeply submerged time. I’ve been creating and writing, creating and writing- and adjusting my life to better meet my Self.

Creating and Writing Programs

A couple of years ago, I started creating and writing a year long program – The Wise Woman Wortcunner Journey – and today I have just finished the next to the last Journey Lesson. It has been like writing a full length book AND creating a multi-media presentation. Whew! But it is Beautiful! and an amazing multi-dimensional Journey.

After I finish the last Journey Lesson – “the Ritual for receiving the healing gifts of the Herbs you have been working […]

Turn Your Relationships into Energy Generators Rather than Energy Drainers

“There is no hope or joy except in human relationships.”
– Antonine de Saint-Exupery

Valentine’s Day is coming up and even if you don’t “celebrate” Valentine’s Day the day might start you thinking about your relationships.

Relationships are important. You may love who you are in relationship with – but still have difficulty getting along with them.

Women are relationship oriented. Relationships mean a lot to us. A good relationship can give us increased energy, support a positive outlook, and the oomph to pursue our dreams.  A troubled relationship can wear us out and zap our zest for life.

Nothing affects us as woman like the quality of our relationships.

Research shows that when […]

The Power of an Enchanting Place

“Pleasure is icing on the cake. It goes beyond comfort–it’s possible to be comfortable without feeling your heart sing!–and it goes beyond mere function. It’s humor, surprise, delight–and above all, beauty.”

There is something wonderful about nourishing yourself in an environment that exponentially enhances and amplifies the experience.

Have you looked through magazines with pictures of a gorgeous, relaxing, and peaceful meal time setting and felt the power of a perfectly designed place?

Did you eat your meals in an enchanting beautiful setting where everything infused you with the experience of beauty?

Or do you skip meals because there just isn’t any time to eat anyhow.


What Seeds Do You Long to Plant?

Another way to celebrate Imbolc is to sit around the fire or candles and contemplate what do you hope to accomplish? What seeds do you wish to plant? You could write this ideas in a journal or discuss them with your loved ones. Then, on Lammas (August 2nd) you can look back to see what progress you have made.

Winter Woman

“When winter comes to a woman’s soul, she withdraws into her inner self, her deepest spaces. She refuses all connection, refutes all arguments that she should engage in the world. She may say she is resting, but she is more than resting: She is creating a new universe within herself, examining and breaking old patterns, destroying what should not be revived, feeding in secret what needs to thrive.

Winter women are those who bring into the next cycle what should be saved. They are the deep conservators of knowledge and power. Not for nothing did ancient peoples honour the grandmother. In her calm deliberateness, she winters over our truth, she freezes out false-heartedness.

Look into her eyes, this winter woman. In […]

Holiday Thriving- Just Be Still

We are a busy culture – especially now around the Holidays we are rushing, rushing, rushing.

As a culture, we like things to be fast. We like things to get results. This fast pace of our culture seduces us into moving fast in order to keep up.

We each have our own personal rhythm. And we all have a shared biological rhythm. Scientists have found that the planet earth resonates at about 7.83 cycles per second – the pulse or the heartbeat of the earth itself. And – it is no coincidence – our bodies resonate at this very same rhythm – 7.83 cycles per second. When we are in a state of deep engagement, our brain waves pulse at 7.83 […]

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