We are a busy culture – especially now around the Holidays we are rushing, rushing, rushing.

As a culture, we like things to be fast. We like things to get results. This fast pace of our culture seduces us into moving fast in order to keep up.

We each have our own personal rhythm. And we all have a shared biological rhythm. Scientists have found that the planet earth resonates at about 7.83 cycles per second – the pulse or the heartbeat of the earth itself. And – it is no coincidence – our bodies resonate at this very same rhythm – 7.83 cycles per second. When we are in a state of deep engagement, our brain waves pulse at 7.83 cycles per second- the alpha frequency.

When we are not so busy trying to go faster and we let our bodies fall into their natural resonate frequency, we fall into the same rhythm beat as the earth – as our planetary life force. When we allow ourselves to fall into our natural rhythm, we re-synchronize ourselves with life’s natural pulse and open the gate to the planetary life force.

If you allow your self to fall into your natural rhythm, you will re-connect your self to the vast amount of energy in the planetary life force – of which you are part. When you resonate with life’s natural pulse, you become naturally attuned to everything and everyone around you, your perception sharpens and expands, and you have access to your multi-dimensional intelligence.

How do you allow your self to fall back into your natural rhythm?

It is simple – just be still.

When you are not trying to impose a rhythm on the body, it will eventually seek its natural rhythm. You can do this anytime, anywhere. But because it may have been awhile since you have taken the opportunity to be still, it helps to place yourself in a natural place and just be there. You don’t have to make anything happen – it is already happening. You just have to be still enough to notice it.

When two sources are harmonically tuned to each other, the energy from one source can be transferred to the other source. And the energy of the more coherent dynamic can entrain the other. The body and the earth are naturally attuned to each other – they have the same resonate frequency – this enables the energy from the earth to be transferred to your body. The earth -as the more coherent energy dynamic- has the power to entrain your body back to the shared natural rhythm of 7.83 cycles per second – to enable you to feel and experience your connection to the planetary life force.

Take some time every day and just be still.

Don’t pay attention to your breathing.

Don’t meditate.

Don’t pray.

Don’t journal.

Just be still and allow yourself reconnect to your natural rhythm – allow yourself re-experience the flow, harmony, pulsation, and intelligence of the planetary life force.

Your Holidays will be happier and more fun :-)

If you would like to move more deeply into creating and unfolding your Thriving Life consider working with me in Cultivate Thriving Life Coaching. Click here to find out how to get your complimentary Cultivate Thriving consultation.