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So far MaryAnn Copson has created 71 blog entries.

Wise Woman Wortcunner Holiday Savings


Holiday Joy!


I highly recommend this course. It has been some of the best money I spent this year, and the quality of the Work has far exceeded my expectations. Gift yourself an amazing year.
Theresa Wilson Haislip

Special Holiday Savings
Save $120 over the regular price.

Sign up by December 31 and get the special monthly fee of only $25 (regularly $35).

Or pay $225 upfront and save an additional $75 for a total savings of $195.
It’s like getting 3 months free.

Click here to start your Wise Woman Wortcunner Journey now!

In the Wise Woman […]

The Four Enemies of a Woman of Knowledge

When starting out on a grand journey like taking up your Woman Shaman Priestess Healer path, or journeying into your power along any path, it is important to remember that not only will there be many attractions and fulfillment along the way but there will also be many challenges, obstacles and blocks along the way. The Mysteries do not open to you lightly but ask of you much dedication, discipline, engagement and change.

A Contemplation for you as you make your choices.

In order to arrive at what you do not know,
You must go by the way which is the way of ignorance. ~T.S. Eliot

Becoming a [Woman] […]

Happy Day

Wishing everyone a Happy Gratitude and Appreciation Day!!! Here in the United States that’s Thanksgiving Day for those who celebrate it. Have a lovely, fun day with your family and friends.

MaryAnn Copson

Evenstar- Woman As Healer
Women Unfolding Their Creative Force As Women


Nature Meanderings – Relevance

“The natural world, having no spoken language, largely consists of nonverbal relationships.  …we biologically experience these relationships as emotions, senses, and feelings.” ~Dr. M. Cohen

Try this activity that shows the importance of multi-sensory knowledge: Place one of your hands in a bowl of very hot water while your other hand is place in a bowl of very cold water. After a minute,  plunge both of your hands into one bowl of lukewarm water. In that moment, the hand coming from the cold water signals our consciousness that the lukewarm water is hot, while the hand coming from the hot water signals our consciousness that the lukewarm water is cold. Try it and notice what happens.

I did this a couple of times. […]

Reflections ~ Self Judgement

“My wish for you today is to stay out of self-judgment so that you can continue to create for your self a life that can serve your longing.”

When you wrap your self in self – judgement you disconnect from your self. And when you are disconnected from your self you can form no real connections with any one or anything else.

Coherent, neutral connection with your self is the foundation for the unfolding of your longing in life.

When you can come fully embracing all of your self then you are at peace and are conscious of the truth that you are always connected to all – to the whole Web of Life. It is your natural state.

Then your steps are only to bring forth the details […]

Prayers to the Ancestors

 Litany of the Bones

Herein lay the bones of my ancestors
Even as this body grows old and changes with time.
Herein lay the bones of my ancestors
Their bones are my structure, my support and keep me going
Herein lay the bones of my ancestors
While these bones may restrict me, I choose to be flexible
Herein lay the bones of my ancestors
Their bones strengthen me and their strength becomes my own
Herein lay the bones of my ancestors
Their bones are with me still and I bless the gift.
… Deanne Quarrie 2010



Calling to the Ancestors


The Great Harvest Festival Samhain

All of life begins in the dark, watery Cauldron of the Womb. It is here that we find our beginnings. At this time of the year, Autumn enfolds the Holy Day of Samhain (celebrated on October 31) /Calan Gaeaf (the lunar celebration of Samhain on October 27 this year).

The Holy Day Samhain is the veil that is both the end and the beginning. At Samhain you will stand both in and out of the worlds. Simultaneously, ending and beginning the yearly cycle. Samhain marks the beginning of the year in many traditional cultures.

The associated solar holiday is Halloween/Samhain/ All Hallow’s Eve (Oct. 31) and the Solar Observation is November 1st – All Saint’s Day in the Christian tradition.

In Celtic (Welsh) tradition, this day marked the […]

The Nature of a Woman

“You are not a drop in the Ocean
You are the entire Ocean in a drop” ~Rumi

Nature and women hold the original primal force that arises spontaneously. This creative force is the first element and the ground from which all elements of life on Earth emerge. It is original wholeness and oneness. Nature and women hold these earliest elements of existence from which all manifestation arises.

It is critical to the spiritual strength of a woman to come to have a sense of all elements of existence as this facilitates the full integration of her power. A woman’s power being the development of the fullness of her consciousness.

It is key in the development of a woman’s consciousness that she has […]

The Right of Refusal and Standing for What You Are For

If you have seen my Facebook page recently then you have seen that things have taken a turn on Facebook for me. You will see links to timely information, petitions for various causes, and as some might say – a slightly activist tone to the page instead of just the regular contemplative posts.

Why the shift?

I feel that there are so many crazy things going on in the world that it is time I begin to exercise my Right of Refusal and say “You know this isn’t really acceptable”.

It is time for me to spotlight what I do stand for.

I don’t listen to the News or read most mainstream journalism. The News shows and most newspapers and magazines these days are considered some kind of entertainment […]

Autumn Equinox~ Beginning Your Cycle of Healing

Nature naturally takes us through seasonal cycles of birth, growth, decline, death, and regeneration. By aligning our self with Earth’s natural cycles, we provide our self with a framework to help us grow and evolve as we release our Wounds and Shadows, complete our Initiations, and set our next Evolutionary Tasks. These Seasonal Cycle of Healing ~Rites of Passage and Initiations bring us to wholeness as we pass again and again through their rhythms and cycles.

Are You Sustainable?

Autumn is a time for harvesting. It is a time to clean out the old and make room to put up the fruits of the summer. We gather all of the results of our hard labors of the spring and summer and put them […]

Autumn Prayer

Autumn Prayer

Be patient.

Allow your energy to move inward and downward.

Concentrate your attention.

Focus your power.

Be orderly and efficient.

Be faithful to your direction and intention.

Match your pace and rhythm to that of Nature at this time.

Long, slow, steady, concentrated.

Be at peace.

It’s not about power it’s about grace.

Know your self.

Loosen your grip and work within the rhythm.

Let things take care of themselves.

Do what is before you to do.

Do what it is at hand.

–MaryAnn Copson

Reflections ~The Expected

In Reading the Greater Pattern, your task is not to just see the Expected- what looks like it is coming. It is not to ride the present/ past/ future time line and simply announce what is in the process of forming.

The Expected is in every moment blinking on and off – being formed and reformed by your very breath. Your task is to see beyond the Expected into the subtle realms. The realms where all possibilities exist.

Travel into this field of all possibilities and the subtle perturbations – the original ground of all – and  harmonize with the endless possibilities.

One need not undo and redo  the Expected- just unfold your creative force and jump the current time line  by-passing the Expected for the desired longing […]

Wise Woman Wortcunner~Nature Being Safe Other ~Guardian Plant Friend


“The formation of attraction relationships helps any entity, including your self, to be in a more full, stable, and secure way. The greater number of balanced supportive relationships an entity has, the more stable is its being.” Michael Cohen

Our brains develop in relationship to others. When we feel valued, loved, understood non-judgmentally – we feel we matter- and this sense of safety and security forms a foundation of resilience on which to build our continuing development and evolution.

When we are in relationships that stabilize us around a trustworthy sense of  acceptance and support we learn to develop trust in our competence and mastery and interact in the world from our inner sense of connection and security.

Establishing a secure relationship […]

Coming Back Online

This might be one of the first contacts you’ve gotten from me in a long time.

I’m arising up out of a deeply submerged time. I’ve been creating and writing, creating and writing- and adjusting my life to better meet my Self.

Creating and Writing Programs

A couple of years ago, I started creating and writing a year long program – The Wise Woman Wortcunner Journey – and today I have just finished the next to the last Journey Lesson. It has been like writing a full length book AND creating a multi-media presentation. Whew! But it is Beautiful! and an amazing multi-dimensional Journey.

After I finish the last Journey Lesson – “the Ritual for receiving the healing gifts of the Herbs you have been working […]

Have a Very Happy Valentine’s ~and give a hand to Wild Life Too!

Valentine’s Day is on Saturday! Spread your love for family and friends—and nature—by sending Valentine ecards from WWF. They are an environmentally friendly way to make everyone smile.

Give a Valentine’s Day Gift for Wildlife
This Valentine’s Day, share your love of wildlife with someone you love! Make a donation of any amount to support WWF’s conservation efforts, and send an ecard to your loved one to announce your gift. You may choose to send the ecard on any date—even Valentine’s Day.

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