The Practical Science of a Steady Mind, Kind Heart, and Inner peace – Neurodharmaa
You are invited to join Rick Hanson in his new online program, Neurodharma, which will guide you through a 7-step path of uncovering the deep, true nature that is in every one of us -aware, loving, wise, and fully present.
Rick Hanson, one of my favorite and masterful neurscience and meditative teacher, has created another beautiful online program to cultivate well being: Neurodharma: the Practical Science of a Steady Mind, a Kind Heart, and Inner Peace.
Bringing together the confluence of neuroscience, contemplative practice, and Western psychology, the Neurodharma program takes you on an exploration of profound meditative and well-being principles and practices.
Rick teaches you a step-by-step path of personal practice for coming home to your self. He skillfully leads you through cultivating […]