
The Practical Science of a Steady Mind, Kind Heart, and Inner peace – Neurodharmaa

You are invited to join Rick Hanson in his new online program, Neurodharma, which will guide you through a 7-step path of uncovering the deep, true nature that is in every one of us -aware, loving, wise, and fully present.

Rick Hanson, one of my favorite and masterful neurscience and meditative teacher, has created another beautiful online program to cultivate well being: Neurodharma: the Practical Science of a Steady Mind, a Kind Heart, and Inner Peace.

Bringing together the confluence of neuroscience, contemplative practice, and Western psychology, the Neurodharma program takes you on an exploration of profound meditative and well-being principles and practices.

Rick teaches you a step-by-step path of personal practice for coming home to your self. He skillfully leads you through cultivating […]

The Primal Force

“Nature and women hold the original primal force that arises spontaneously. This creative force is the first element and the ground from which all elements of life on Earth emerge. It is original wholeness and oneness. Nature and women hold these earliest elements of existence from which all manifestation arises.” – MaryAnn Copson



Artwork by EarthStarStudios

Turning To the Light

You enhance your self worth and understanding by identifying with Earth as your Self, your “other body”.

“The same stream of life that runs through my veins night and day runs through the world and dances in rhythmic measures. It is the same life that shoots in joy through the dust of earth in numberless blades of grass and breaks into tumultuous waves of leaves and flowers. It is the same life that is rocked in the ocean-cradle of birth and death, in ebb and in flow. I feel my limbs are made glorious by the touch of this world of life. And my pride is from the life throb of ages dancing in my blood this moment.”  […]

Nature Is Your Larger Body

“What we experience Nature experiences. And what Nature experiences we experience. You are Nature and Nature is you. All forms of conscious are one and the same. Just as every cell in your body is your body. Nature is your larger body. And you are Nature’s cell.

All consciousness -including Earth and beyond – are part of a global/universal community where we all share common sense (our commonly shared set of sensory perceptions) and we all have continuous and current communication flowing to, from, and through all for the well being of all.” ~MaryAnn Copson

Woman As Healer -Explore your own multi-sensory, multi-dimensional aspects through our programs, trainings, mentoring, and coaching.

Notice When It Happens

“Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your Heart and try to Love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer…”
– Rainer Maria Rilke

Be attentive. Notice when it happens.

It is likely that you will think it nothing. Dismiss it. Call it foolishness and go on as if nothing has happened. That day when your life suddenly all makes sense.

You are reading […]

My New Year’s Wish For You

We can obtain no peaceful good without reestablishing our conscious awareness of our inherent natural being with Earth and Nature. It is not only that Nature plays a vital role for us and we play a vital role for Nature it is truly that neither of us is whole and complete without the other.

There is a difference between being “part of” and being “is”.

What we experience Nature experiences. And what Nature experiences we  experience. You are Nature and Nature is you. All forms of conscious are one and the same. Just as every cell in your body is your body. Nature is your larger body. And you are Nature’s cell.

All consciousness -including Earth and beyond – are part of a global/universal community where we all […]

Reflections ~ Self Judgement

“My wish for you today is to stay out of self-judgment so that you can continue to create for your self a life that can serve your longing.”

When you wrap your self in self – judgement you disconnect from your self. And when you are disconnected from your self you can form no real connections with any one or anything else.

Coherent, neutral connection with your self is the foundation for the unfolding of your longing in life.

When you can come fully embracing all of your self then you are at peace and are conscious of the truth that you are always connected to all – to the whole Web of Life. It is your natural state.

Then your steps are only to bring forth the details […]

Reflections ~The Expected

In Reading the Greater Pattern, your task is not to just see the Expected- what looks like it is coming. It is not to ride the present/ past/ future time line and simply announce what is in the process of forming.

The Expected is in every moment blinking on and off – being formed and reformed by your very breath. Your task is to see beyond the Expected into the subtle realms. The realms where all possibilities exist.

Travel into this field of all possibilities and the subtle perturbations – the original ground of all – and  harmonize with the endless possibilities.

One need not undo and redo  the Expected- just unfold your creative force and jump the current time line  by-passing the Expected for the desired longing […]

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