The Woman Shaman Priestess Healer Initiatory Journey is a journey wherein you unfold your self as an Initiated Woman Shaman Priestess Healer and Ordained Clergy. The Woman Shaman Priestess Healer Path is the Path of full engagement, focused and enthusiastic discipline, mastery of the deconstruction and reconstruction of your Mind as you know it, and full immersion into the unfolding of your multi-dimensional, multi-sensory self.
The heart of the work of the Woman Shaman Priestess Healer Initiatory Journey is to bring forth a steady mind, a peaceful heart, a vibrant body and a magical spirit. Your work is to live in harmony with the land, sea, and sky following the Great Spiral Wheel of the Year through seasonal living, cycles and rhythms, and celebration of seasonal holy days. With this harmony as a foundation Initiates nourish and connect the physical body and soul to bring about robust health and wellness as you weave the integration of your spiritual and every days lives into a beautiful tapestry of fulfillment, satisfaction, and meaning.
You learn to move beyond your personal process and read the Greater Patterns through the development of your multisensory intelligences, attractions, and loves and to maintain the sacred connection and pathways between the worlds as you unfold your natural multidimensionality as a Walker Between the Worlds. As a Woman Shaman Priestess you track the past, present, and future Time Lines to read the nature of things monitoring, supporting, sustaining, and shifting energies while you hold, influence, transform, and transcend multiple realities.
Your primary work in the Woman Shaman Priestess Initiatory Path is to return to your conscious use of your inherent and natural many ways of knowing. This state of being is called by names such as the Ancestral Mind and the Original Mind which speak of the full expression of your multidimensional, multisensory self. Your Woman Shaman Initiations train your mind through Natural Patterns Systems Thinking and the cultivation of Women’s Shamanic Consciousness.
Through these Shamanic Initiations you develop the many ways of knowing through your heart, head, gut and body gaining deeper and deeper access to your natural Direct Sensory Perception of Nature – your timeless wisdom and your natural magic.
Because we live in a society that has lost many traditional initiation rituals, we have lost the ability to recognize the signs that foreshadow transition—our modern term for initiation. We may realize that we are going through a transition, or that we are changing. But because we are unfamiliar with initiatory rites, we do not perceive that we stand at the gate. We do not comprehend that we need to open it and do the threshing and integrative work that are required.
–The Second Half of Life, Angeles Arrien
The Woman Shaman Priestess Healer Cycles:
Dedicant – here you take your first steps to becoming an Initiated Woman Shaman Priestess Healer. This Cycle helps you come to know more fully that this Initiatory Journey is really for you- that it is what you have been looking for- what your heart and soul want. You work for a year and a day in the Wise Woman Wortcunner Guided Solitary Online Program where you are introduced to the Direct Sensory Perception of Nature foundation. You learn the language of Nature and the common sensory intelligences you share with the Web of Life. You take the first turn of exploring your inner world coming to know your self more fully and bring to your conscious awareness the path you are calling your self to in the world.
As part of this Dedicant Cycle, I review your Wise Woman Wortcunner work monthly and you meet with me 12 times by phone during your Wortcunner Dedicant Cycle. Plus, you will be initiated into the Priestess training and at some point during your Dedicant Cycle begin regular ritual work with the Full Moon, New Moon and Seasonal Holy Days.
Full Transition into Evenstar Woman Shaman Priestess Work- if at the end of the successful completion of your Wise Woman Wortcunner Dedicant Cycle, you feel that the Woman Shaman Priestess Healer Initiatory Journey is your path, you may be invited to enter the Novice Cycle and move more deeply into the Woman Shaman Priestess training.
When you begin your Novice Cycle training, you will choose an Evenstar Priestess Path (these are outlined further down this page).
Your Evenstar Priestess Path will determine your personalized training throughout your Novice, Initiate, and Adept Cycles.
Novice – during the Novice Cycle you are now directly immersed in your multi-sensory, multi-dimensional work. Together, in our one on one work, you and I craft a personal pathway for you to unfold your self as a Woman Shaman Priestess. You choose your Priestess name and receive your first Evenstar Woman Shaman Priestess Initiation during the Novice Cycle.
For a year and a day you travel through the 13 Lunar Cycles of your Priestess Training where you meet and work with your Woman Shaman Priestess Council of Nine. You build your foundation for magical spiritual living and working so that you are firmly grounded in your Priestess work.
Each month you are given studies and work designed to unfold your chosen Evenstar Priestess Path within you. In addition, you have the opportunity – if you choose – to be initiated into the Evenstar Feminist Dianic Wiccan Priestess work and also the Evenstar Apple Branch Dianic DruidCraft Priestess work.
I review your Novice Cycle work monthly, we continue meeting regularly by phone and you enter a full Lunar Cycle of Full Moon, New Moon and Seasonal Holy Days Ritual work.
The Novice Cycle is devoted to Knowledge of your Priestess Self; acquiring direct access to your Council of Nine Archetypes and Guides of the Ninefold Sisterhood ; developing ease and consistency in your multi-dimensional Journey work; and laying a firm foundation to support the integration of your spiritual and every day lives.
At the end of your Novice Cycle, it is possible for you to receive your initiation as an Evenstar Dianic DruidCraft Priestess.
Upon successful completion of all Novice Cycle work and Initiations you are eligible to apply for acceptance into the Initiate Cycle.
Initiate I-during the Initiate Cycle you continue developing your Evenstar Priestess Path and begin taking up your work in your community as an Evenstar Priestess.
The Initiate Cycle I is devoted to the direct accessing of your ancient Women Shaman Priestess Traditions; the deeper development of your Council of Nine work; continued integration of your spiritual and everyday lives; experiences which develop mastery in your chosen Priestess Path; the application of your Priestess work in your every day life and with clients; crafting a successful mundane life; and gaining mastery of working with your personal process.
You continue your Lunar New and Full Moon Ritual work and begin the Solar Passages and Dark Moon ritual work. You go further with your relationship and apprenticeship with Nature, work in-depth with the Elements, and develop your Divination work. You receive your second Evenstar Woman Shaman Priestess Initiation during the Initiate Cycle.
The Initiate Cycle I is designed to be completed within a year and a day. Upon successful completion of all Initiate Cycle work and Initiations you are eligible to apply for acceptance into the Initiate II Cycle.
Initiate II – here you move deeper into the secrets of your most mysterious Initiations. Again you and I craft a personalized curriculum for you and go deeper with our one on one work.
The Initiate II Cycle is devoted to consolidating your Council of Nine personal Woman Shaman Priestess Healer traditions; developing a working mastery with your Priestess Path; living an integrated spiritual and every day life; bringing your Woman Shaman Priestess Healer traditions further into your community; taking ownership of your leadership and mentoring work within your Woman Shaman Priestess work ; further work with creating and living a satisfying, fulfilling meaningful and successful integral life; mastery of your self as a Woman Shaman Priestess, and accessing your multi-sensory intelligences, attractions, and loves throughout the Web of Life.
During your Initiate II Cycle you enter into the fullness of the Evenstar Lunar Cycle work merging with and embodying the 13 Council of Nine Ninefold Sisterhood Archetypes and Guides; 13 Tree Ogham Spiritual Guidance Dynamics; 13 Dark Moon Descent Energies, and 13 Woman’s Blood Mysteries Archetypes.
At the end of the Initiate II, it is possible for you to receive your Initiation as an Evenstar Feminist Dianic Wiccan Priestess and an Evenstar Apple Branch Dianic DruidCraft High Priestess and can initiate other women into either of these two Priestess Trainings.
The Initiate II Cycle is designed to be completed within a year and a day.
Priestess Path– this Cycle is devoted almost exclusively to mastery in your chosen Priestess Path and to developing the skills and insight needed to train other Evenstar Woman Shaman Priestesses. The Priestess Path Cycle is designed to be completed within a year and a day.
At the full completion of your Priestess Path Cycle work and Initiations you can be invited to receive and accept your full Initiation as an Evenstar Woman Shaman Priestess and Ordination as Clergy of the Evenstar Earth Path Seminary.
Upon your Evenstar Woman Shaman Priestess Initiation and Ordination you will be prepared to offer to other women the Evenstar Earth Path Divine Feminine Priestess Mentoring in the Rites of the Shaman Priestess Mysteries specific to your own Priestess Path, as well as ordination as Clergy as an Evenstar Apple Branch Dianic DruidCraft and/or Evenstar Feminist Dianic Wiccan Priestess of the Evenstar Earth Path Seminary.
Woman Shaman Priestess EarthKeeper – only those women who have shown full completion and deep engagement of the preceding Cycles and who are seeking the fullness of their Shamanic apprenticeship as Woman Shaman Priestesses are admitted into this cycle. This is the beginning of apprenticeship work.
Women who enter this Cycle will follow their initiatory Shamanic path. Here you can hold the study and work of Relationships, Soul Retrieval, and the Training and Mentoring of Evenstar Woman Shaman Priestesses along chosen Priestess Paths.
To enter this Shaman Priestess EarthKeeper Cycle you must be willing to be “holders” of your Council of Nine Woman Shaman Priestess Healer traditions; demonstrate the knowledge, wisdom, and healing of your Council of Nine Woman Shaman Priestess Healer traditions; demonstrate mastery in your Priestess Path; be of service to others; and be willing to take up the mentoring and teaching of other women seeking the unfolding of their creative force.
When you enter the Shaman Priestess EarthKeeper Cycle you will be working even more closely with me to craft your training for this Cycle.
The completion of your Shaman Priestess EarthKeeper Cycle requires disciplined multi-facitied training in Mentoring and Shamanic Work and Healing. Also, a 12 month Woman’s Shamanic Priestess Vision Quest must be done with me as your Rite of Passage midwife during this EarthKeeper Cycle. This initiatory Vision Quest must be completed in a continuous 12 month period. If you stop during the process you must begin again at the beginning.
The EarthKeeper Cycle is 2 years or more depending on your progress.
Shaman Priestess Healer WisdomKeeper- this is true apprenticeship work. The focus is on healing.
To enter this Cycle you must have completed all previous Woman as Shaman Priestess Cycles and you must have outside training in some kind of physical healing modality such as midwifery, herbalism, physical therapy, Feldenkrais, Cranial Sacral therapy, massage therapist, nutritionist, various bodywork trainings, etc.
There is no set time frame for this work and the training is fluid.
If you are interested in taking the Woman Shaman, Priestess, Healer Initiatory Journey please Contact me letting me know of your intentions and we will begin our conversation.
“…Images of going about in and through the dark carry an age-old message that says, “Do not fear ‘not knowing.’ ” In various phases of our lives, this is as it should be. This feature of tales and myths encourages us to follow the call, even when we’ve no idea of where to go, in what directions, or for how long. All we know is that like the child in the tale, we must sit up, get up, and go see. So maybe we stumble around in the dark for a while trying to find what calls us, but because we have managed to not talk ourselves out of being summoned by the wild one, we invariably stumble over our soulskin. When we breathe up that soul-state, we automatically enter the feeling state of “This is right. I know what I need.” ~Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Women Who Run With the Wolves
Cycle Completion
Except for the Woman Shaman Priestess EarthKeeper and WisdomKeeper Cycles, each Cycle is designed to be completed within a calendar year and a day of focused full engagement. The EarthKeeper Cycle is designed to be completed within 2 + years. The EarthKeeper Cycle has no set time.
When you have completed the Dedicant, Novice, Initiate, Adept, and Priestess Path Cycles of the Woman Shaman Priestess Healer Initiation Track you will have unfolded your self as a an Initiated Woman Shaman Priestess and Ordained Clergy of the Evenstar Earth Path Seminary.
When you complete the additional Shaman Priestess EarthKeeper Cycle you will have recreated your self as an Evenstar Woman As Shaman Priestess Healer EarthKeeper. Completion of the WisdomKeeper Cycle places you as a WisdomKeeper.
All Woman Shaman Priestess Healer Cycle work and Initiations are alive, ever evolving and developing paths and as such are subject to change without notice. Even if the Woman Shaman Priestess Healer structure and content change you will still be able to reach the end point you chose when you first entered the Woman Shaman Priestess Healer Journey although the way you get there may be different then when you began.
Evenstar Woman Shaman Priestess Paths
Each Initiate will bring their own preferences and gifts to the Woman Shaman Priestess Healer Initiation Core work. By choosing and developing your skills, talents and mastery in a specific Priestess Path you will bring to your community your unique way of unfolding yourself as a Woman Shaman Priestess Healer.
All Woman Shaman Priestess Healer Initiates will develop a familiarity with the following basic Pathworkings:
All Woman Shaman Priestess Healer Cycles include practical application and energetic work with the Plants as a Wise Woman Wortcunner. Work with the herbs is focused mostly on the use of herbs for self, family, and friends and the energetic, mystical, magical and consciousness work with herbs.
When you begin your Novice Cycle training, you will choose one Evenstar Woman Shaman Priestess Path.
Your Evenstar Woman Shaman Priestess Path will determine your personalized training throughout your Novice, Initiate, and Adept Cycles. You and I will craft your course of study appropriately to support your unfolding within your chosen Priestess Path. The descriptions following the Path are only possibilities for what might be explored in this Path. It is likely that not everything in these descriptions will be explored. The particulars of each Priestess Path are crafted by me with the initiate’s input taking into account the initiate’s experience, training, needs, and vision for their Priestess work in the world.
Shaman Priestess Paths
Woman Shaman Priestess Healer Credit Course and Degree Work(All Degree Work is Optional) In the Woman Shaman Priestess Healer Path you have the Your course work for the degree would be done through Ocean Seminary College with the OSC director evaluating your past degree work and how many credits and what courses are needed to obtain the degree you are seeking. Previous degree work is often accepted for credit. Ocean Seminary College will accept work that you do in your Woman Shaman Priestess training for credit toward your degree in World Shamanism. Courses that you take at OSC would be evaluated by me and some also by the OSC director. If you don’t wish to pursue a degree, OSC offers many courses that can supplement your Specialty work – some of which I may ask you to take for your Specialty work. OSC offers a certificate in Pastoral Counseling which would meet the mentoring training requirements for the WisdomKeeper Cycle. If you are interested in pursuing this optional degree in World Shamanism and have your Woman Shaman Priestess training count for credit toward your degree you must submit your application through me. If you are interested you and I will map out an individual plan for you. |
Women Shaman Priestess Healer Initiatory Track End Points
Woman Shaman Priestess Initiation and Ordination as Clergy of The Evenstar Earth Path Seminary is reached at the full completion of the first five Cycles – Dedicant, Novice, Initiate, Adept, and Priestess Path- of the Woman Shaman Priestess Healer Initiatory Track.
Evenstar Woman Shaman Priestess EarthKeeper is reached at the full completion of all six Cycles of the Woman As Shaman Priestess Healer Initiatory Track.
Evenstar Woman Shaman Priestess Healer WisdomKeeper is reached at the full completion of all six Cycles of the Woman As Shaman Priestess Healer Initiatory Track, plus the completion of your apprenticeship.
Academic Degrees: A Master’s, or Doctorate of Ministry in World Shamanism is obtained through dual registration in Ocean Seminary College and the Woman Shaman Priestess Healer Initiatory Track and the successful completion of all OSC required courses and the required Woman Shaman Priestess Healer Cycle work and Initiations.
Woman Shaman Priestess Healer Initiation Path Structure
Throughout the year, Dedicants, Novices, Initiates, Adepts, Priestess Path initiates, and those doing advanced Priestess work meet by teleconference call to celebrate the Full Moon and New Moon Rituals, the five Solar Passages, and the eight Great Harvest Festivals Rituals.
All Initiates work directly with me to review their individual work and to craft their personal curriculum and Path for each Cycle.
All Dedicants, Novices, Initiates, Adepts, and Priestess Path Initiates will have the opportunity to meet with me once each month of their Cycle in a private session.
During the EarthKeeper and WisdomKeeper Cycles you work closely with me in crafting your Cycle work and Initiations.
Our Woman Shaman Priestess Healer Journey is a living breathing entity – responding to the unique needs of the Sisterhood and each individual in the group. Although we do follow a basic structure that structure can shift to accommodate individual and group needs and it can change without notice.
Tuition for the Dedicant, Novice, Initiate I, Initiate II Cycles, and Priestess Path Cycles is $3000 each per yearly Cycle. Tuition in full is due by check or money order one full month before you begin your Cycle.
The EarthKeeper and WisdomKeeper Cycles Tuition is dependent upon the work to be undertaken.
There is no refund given on any Tuition fees. If you leave or quit the training before the end of your current Cycle you will forfeit any remaining tuition.
If you have a medical emergency that prevents you from continuing your Evenstar Shaman Priestess training, you will be given a prorated credit (minus a non-creditable administration fee of $250). This tuition can be used to return to your Evenstar Shaman Priestess Journey if we both feel that this is a good option for you. Or you can use your banked credit for any Evenstar Woman As Healer training, class, event, or retreat. Any credit due to you is good for 2 years from the time of your having to leave the training after 2 years any credit due to you expires.
If you fall out of contact with the training and do not notify me that you can not continue the training you will forfeit any credit you might have coming to you.
Admission to the Woman Shaman Initiatory Multi-dimensional, Multi-sensory Journey
Admission – At any time, after an individual admissions interview with me, you can enter into the Wise Woman Wortcunner Path Dedicant Guided Solitary Online Program. Upon its successful completion, you can then move into the Woman Shaman Priestess Healer Novice Cycle.
Admission into the Novice, Initiate, Adept, and Priestess Path Cycles require additional personal interview sessions with me. The Portal for entrance into the Novice, Initiate, Adept, and Priestess Path Cycles is open enrollment beginning at the end of your previous Cycle.
If you are interested in taking the Woman Shaman, Priestess, Healer Initiatory Journey please Contact me letting me know of your intentions and we will begin our conversation.
Have you Heard The Call to Unfold Your Self as a Woman Shaman Priestess Healer?
Take a breath.
Put your hand on your heart.
Feel deep within your own Mysteries.
Do you feel the longing within you?
Do you feel the longing to embrace your self as a Woman Shaman Priestess Healer?
Are you ready to embrace your Initiations?
Are you ready to follow your longing, surrender to its guidance, and accept your Sight?
Take your first step and chart your course.
“My feet will tread soft as a deer in the forest. My mind will be clear as water from the sacred well. My heart will be strong as a great oak. My spirit will spread an eagle’s wings, and fly forth. This is the way of truth.” ~ Juliet Marillier, Daughter of the Forest
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